ID: a mock up of the Jaws movie poster, above the water it says “TRANS” in big red letters, floating on the surface is an Estradiol pill, and coming at it from the depths bellow is a Blåhaj, the tagline says “you’re gonna get a bigger butt”
When tho?
when the fat redistributes(you need to gain weight on e for that to happen)
deleted by creator
maybe your family got flat butt genes 😔
It’s gone to my boobs (yay) and belly (ugh).
Bruh I have chronic small-Ass-Syndrom. But I’m fine with my Gender & sexuality.
Can I still get the big-booty-Pills?
Sure but you’ll also grow boobs and your skin will become very soft and stuff
Damn. :(
So second good thing and somewhat of an inconvenience? Not bad tbh
I mean to me they’re just good things imo.
Look up glute bridges. I do them just so I can sit comfortably on stools
Me thinks you just need to do a ton of squats
Fake news
i don want it tho!!! >:(
i don wan to have “big bum” that’s so uncomfy, like - i don wanna be sexualized in that way…
listen, it’s good that one would look more fabulous with the hrt but like - i don like how peeps are assuming ur oki with spicy stuff at all… like - no! leave me alone, i’m tryin to cope here, that’s like ur sexualizing dirnking alc, like naw, that’s so weird. i don wanna be “sexy” or whatever. i wanna be comf to talk to, look at and generally observe. i wanna not bring people down with my existance. and if my appearance makes others feel bad about their own, i’d rather not look like that :(
No where is the word sex, or anything even implying sexiness or sexuality even mentioned (not in op, but also not even in the comments!).
The only thing the size of your butt is telling anyone else is how much fat you have in that part of the body.
There is nothing inherently sexual about butts, just like there’s nothing inherently sexual about boobs. They just are.
The only one sexualising body parts here, is you.
im so very sorry.
i was being evil.
i will try to never talk shid like this ever again
i jus - oki i dun like how people generally talk about em like that, and i do recognize that i am evilevilevilevil reinforcing this rn. i forgot that we are on blahaj zone here, where people are reasonable.
i— i can’t, now i’m sad that i made such a dum mistake of misinterpreting ur post, just because of inaccurate representations of peeps in my head.
i’m very super sorry for making this mistake, i will try to be not evil…
I’d love it if you stopped putting words in my mouth.
the bum is fat below your sit bones. It’s there to be comfy for when you sit on things. Bigger butt means more comfortable sitting.
I mean this in the least sexual possible way. Big butts are great!
But yeah many people are weirdly into sex and that makes me uncomfortable too.
yesyesyes, exactly this.
sitting - i can imagine - is super comf when bigger bum. i wanna have that <3
the term “butt” sounds so much more agressive and sexualized than the word “bum” to me. probably just me tho.
i wish peeps wouldn’t be kinda into spicy stuff like this, cuz like - ya feel weird bringing up anything like the cuz peeps assume ur also that evil kind of always-spicy-person, which i dun like. :(
also :oooooooo
Hildegard!!! U mean the Hildegard from Bingen!???!?
that would be a CRAZY coincidence.
It seems that way to me too. Bum is the more common british term, and butt is much more american. Perhaps these two facts are related somehow.
Not a coincidence! Trans girl’s gotta find a good name somewhere. Can’t think of anyone better to name myself after.
well, that is a nice name, i cannot lie <3
alsooooo… this might be a stretch, but Guten Tag?..
That’s a stretch too far sadly. Hopefully someday I can move to Germany, but not yet.