Every time I click on a Piped link that has been posted here by the bot after someone posts a YouTube link, I just wait and wait for it to start playing. Eventually I run out of patience and click the YouTube link, which starts to play immediately.
LMAO the 8 letter word I saw was “cringing”
I switched from Transmission to qBittorrent a while ago, and I have some regrets: mainly that the qBittorrent web ui is extremely hard to navigate on mobile. Everything is tiny, and I can’t zoom in and navigate around the page without right-click menus popping up
I just switched to Usenet after using torrents for the past couple of years. The difference is night and day
I’ve had several machines that refuse to update because of error 0x.
In fact, one of my kids has that happening right now.
At least that part is not isolated to OP. It doesn’t happen to me anymore since I switched to Linux about a year ago