You are very naive
You are very naive
Eh, no?
You got 8bits for RGB each, so 8x3=24 bits, not 16
HDR will give you better brightness and contrast levels, and will give a slightly wider color gamut. Visually, you WILL notice the difference
Update in my previous message: so now I’m trying to install onlyoffice in a docker container on a server and I can’t even get http to work, less even https. A simple connect to port 80 just gives me connection refused, even though netstat shows docker proxy listening there, port 443 gives me connection opened that right away closes, doing nothing. Logs show nothing
This is the sort of WTF that I really don’t understand. Onlyoffice is really nice, why is the installation such a headache and fight after fight?
I’ve installed countless different services and programs in a myriad of different ways, and 99% of the time it’s a few commands and done. 0.9% of the time I have tondo some significant extra work to get it completely done (nextcloud is here, not that it’s hard but there are so many built in functionalities that you need to perform a number of extra steps) and then there is the 0.1% which is just a right nightmare for no good reason.
I have setup various dockers with little issue, onlyoffice just never works. WHY?
I would go for collabora if it wasn’t s shitshow itself when used in an office setting with dozens of users. Colabora is nice for a single user system, that’s it. I need perfect multi user document editing and onlyoffice offers this.
How do I set this crap up?
I’ll be sure not to pay them a dime, then, but the ope source version should be good enough to work with
Yeah, but collabora isn’t a great option by itself. Only office install is a freak show at best, but once it’s running it’s awesome
With Wayland finally exploding on the scene these past two years, I want to imagine the devs having worked on that. Many distros are already Wayland default and another 5 years and X will mostly be unsupported by most distros
We just recently started using zabbix. Open source and has a web interface to get a central view that can be accessed from wherever we allow it.
So far it’s been great but er have had little time and so far have used only 1% of what it can do
Still, I’d recommend it. Super easy to install, seems light weight, has clients for any os you’d need, can send out alerts (we currently use pushover for that)
Let me preface this rant with that I think only office is the best online web based solution, I loved what it could do 8 years ago and I assume it’s a lot better now.
I’m trying to setup nextcloud with only office, again. Nextcloud setup is a btrrze, only office always is and always has been a crime against humanity to setup correctly.
I’ve used only office successfully only once, some 8 years ago or so, in my own company. I’ve made some 10 attempts after that, over the various years, and I always failed. I have some 25 years of professional it experience and only office always eluded me.
Issues are either that I just can’t get it installed and running at all, or that it’s impossible to connect to next cloud.
Installing it with Deb files (or the installation script that does Deb files) is a very bad idea, that never works, the install crashes and usually leaves your server in a broken state, even after removing everything.
So now I am again trying to set it up using docker, so far with little result.
So having said all that: can you give some pointers on what you did to get it working?
Aaarrr matey, this for sure wouldn’t be the reason why we pirate, would it?
Fuck all of this, I’m so sick and tired of technology advances leading to just more shit for money. I worked for only 9 months in a corporate environment that did shit like this and it nauseated me. Got fired for throwing the CTO under a freight train (figuratively) and never been happier for being fired.
I do mind any and all advertising, I want zero advertising in my life. Except the ads from Apeldoorn insurers, those are the best.
Having said that, I don’t mind paying but then I want to pay and be able to see everything. The problem now is that in a world where all companies consolidao into one per market, on the media provide lr side, very conveniently, everything is fracturing into dozens of provii, each with their exclusive content. Totally not conspiratorial, just a convenient coincidence that makes then a boatload of extra money.
Fuck. That. Shit.
I want one provider with everything or aaaarr going to have to go to alternative sources
That’s sick man! Get some help!
Which new domais? For science and a friend?
Fully for it, but can we stip preaching to the choir? Let’s preach to the sinners and heathens :)
It’s more relevant then ever.
With the media companies ndoing what large media companies do, aarrr think that torrents are very important indeed, matey
Good luck!
I use csf which isn’t GUI, text only, but the configuration is so straightforward and simple that it’s been my default for years now on server and desktop
I never understood why there isn’t anything even remotely close to it in Linux. Kde has Gwenview which is awful slow, bloated yet barely has any features at all.
There is a way to run it through wine but that is awful. Cane e start a GoFundMe for the dev to make a Linux KDE release with Deb and rpm files? I’ll happily contribute.
This is from some post where authy, revolut, and a bunch of other apps no longer permit Graphene OS
And I can immediately say goodbye to important apps I need.
I’m so fracking tired of not being able to just use the OS 😞 want on my phone because apparently my phone isn’t mine.
Welcome to the dark side, we have cookies
Having said that, just as a suggestion, take a look at KDE. It feels a bit more windows like, is extremely customizable and as such can be made to work exactly how you want it