…i liked it; where’d he become familiar with a vintage telephone within the past thirteen years?..
…i just have to say: that engine bay is SO CLEAN…
…like, i could eat off of it…
…look at all those pockets for storing remote controllers, phones, and snacks!..
…looks more like i’m you, gonna right, stop there…
YYYY.MM.DD HH.MM.SS, as eru ilúvatar intended
…f*cking cool cars; sad to see them go…
…i almost bought a used 9000 in '99; ended up buying a turbobeetle instead which was unfortunately a disposable piece of junk…
…cave diving is the most dangerous deadly recreational sport of which i’m aware…
…so about fourty years ago i met a deer raised with farm dogs and it pretty much behaved like one of their pack, barking and all…
…you dad did very well; give him a hug this december…
…please keep to the right except to pass…
…i remember pretenders; less articulation than even action masters…
…one could fairly argue that they originally jumped the shark when hasbro took design in-house but at least headmasters transformed…
…sarcasm: quotes always imply sarcasm…
…that’s the POWER model: the unit posted above is the consumer version with the SX chip, no math coprocessor and fewer built-in function keys…
“Hold you your hand, Frodo. It’s quite cool.”
- Gandalf, The Fellowship of the Ring
…my first thought, too, but no: they have many mechanical applications but wankel rotors use slightly flatter geometry…