That’s one hell of a shower thought
That’s one hell of a shower thought
Exactly. This is also why having controls in your car be strictly touch screen is dangerous.
I don’t think he government needs to subsidize eating garbage, though.
I’ve done it before. Basically you just reach a point where the high plateaus. It’s just a waste of weed
There are those creepy as fuck groups where the daughters have to pledge their virginity to their fathers, too.
Oh, I bet Israel is next on the hit list.
You say that like we don’t import a fuck ton of our produce from Mexico.
Everything is about to get way more expensive.
Someone forgot about the fungal networks.
Purple is usually a combo health/mana potion.
Huh, I just realized that this is what futurama was referencing in the balls episode.
Nah, she wants something from you. I know that look from our weirdo.
Idk if I’d call the deck light.
Iirc it’s an echo location thing.
I’m about to start wearing my kilt in the rural south. It’ll be interesting to see how it goes.
I feel like the decryption code is probably one of those keys.