I read somewhere (but have no verification of this fact to offer) that the person in the picture isn’t even the one doing this and it’s a weird stalker / revenge situation going on here.
I am not a number.
I read somewhere (but have no verification of this fact to offer) that the person in the picture isn’t even the one doing this and it’s a weird stalker / revenge situation going on here.
Imagine naming your ‘encyclopaedia’ after a political school of thought and making it crystal clear that it’s more about pushing ideology than information, then giving it the tagline “The Trustworthy Encyclopaedia”.
And the sad part is that the people this caters to will 100% believe that tagline while ignoring all other evidence to the contrary and clutching their Trump bibles and wearing their red hats.
I’m late here but whatever. I’m finding myself more and more on board with this, the more time passes. When I was younger, I would’ve been more willing to ‘debate’ every asshole but the older I’ve got, the more I’ve realised that they’ve all just got the same ‘points’ over and over again and if arguing those points hasn’t changed anything in the last 15 years, it probably won’t change anything now.
Same goes for “just asking questions”. It’s the same fucking questions that every JAQ-off asks, and all ‘questions’ that can be easily answered by shutting your fucking mouth and opening your ears for once. Maybe stepping out of your bubble and listening to what people who are different from you are saying for once.
Last night I blocked my first customer. Got a shitty, really over reacted and unnecessary comment to something. Checked their profile to see if it was just someone having a bad day and saw that literally every comment this person makes is to shit on someone, that’s their entire contribution to this platform. Even spotted a “typical white females” in there. So I just blocked, knowing that nothing of value has been lost to me.
And I think that’s how I’m gonna play it from now. If I get an aggressive response from someone that isn’t full of aggressive responses, I’ll indulge them a little. But if it’s someone that’s clearly just here to fight and make people miserable, the most attention I’ll pay them is hitting that block button.
Immediately thought of this:
“I think something’s wrong with me. I make friends, then suddenly I can’t bear to be with any of them. Seems like that other me, the cheerful and honest one, went away somewhere.”
- Kiki, from Kiki’s Delivery Service
I hope that James Gunn keeps this shit up throughout the DCU and the next few years, personally. Peacemaker also had some good hearty doses of shitting on white supremacist types, so it seems to be his thing.
LineageOS 20 on the Nokia 4.2. The only option for this phone besides LineageOS 19 and it’s one of these cases where the dev just stopped updating anything and deleted their XDA profile. Might go back to vanilla but the problem is that’s a downgrade in Android version too.
This whole phone is a regret. My previous phone had just died unexpectedly and it was a spur of the moment purchase with a low budget, based on nostalgia for a ‘Nokia’ that doesn’t actually exist anymore. Should’ve just gone for a cheap Samsung and I probably would’ve at least had more choice in custom firmwares.
Going to be a bit negative but this is something that’s kinda annoyed me about Android in the last few years. BREAKING: new shortcut available! And then there’s the articles and breaking news for them doing shit like changing the design of the clock slightly every now and then.
What annoys me about all of this is that the very first Android phone that I had, the S4 Mini, that started out on Android 4.3, had custom firmwares around that allowed you to customise every shortcut with anything and choose from multiple styles of clock. Amongst other things.
Which tells me that the folks working on Android could easily make things more customisable but they choose not to so that we can get these articles going on about how awesome a new shortcut is and they get to look like they’re always working on these new ‘innovations’.
They’re running out of ways to add extra cameras, so now they’re acting like adding a new shortcut to a button that should’ve been more configurable in the first place is some sort of technological breakthrough.
For me personally, it’s something that I’m always activating in my pocket and have disabled now.
I’ve also been given the “I’ve always suspected” thing (not diagnosed) from certain people, family to be specific. And while, fair enough, so have I; when I start thinking about certain treatment and button pushing that I’ve gone through, and the fact that no one ever bothered to get me professionally assessed growing up so that maybe I could’ve had a better quality life; it makes my mind start going to dark places. And I don’t like it because maybe it’s all in my head.
Edit: although to be fair, I do believe that I have become quite unintentionally good at putting a mask on throughout the years. And maybe it’s only really starting to show now that I’m older and still the way I am.
I want something between ‘feature phones’ and smartphones. A little bit like what Nokia had to offer with Symbian and Maemo but more modern. If you want a rectangle of glass that requires wireless proprietary everything and replacing every time the battery starts packing up, more power to you, I’m a fan of choice and options.
But I want to be able to buy a music phone with great speakers and toys like FM transmitters thrown in. Or a gaming phone with a d-pad, a, b, x, y and shoulder buttons. But like, with Firefox instead of Opera Mini. And social media apps and shit.
Me too