Femboys are the ones in charge of deciding the speakers decided to not let them work
Femboys are the ones in charge of deciding the speakers decided to not let them work
Context didn’t seem to matter before. So fuck off with that double standard.
Surely this will make egg prices go down.
That’s crossed my mind once or twice, but ultimately I don’t want to put myself in a situation I can’t readily get out of if I can help it. So I’ve been holding off.
I’ll definitely still be trying to go as far as I can up the hill under my own power as I can, but once I hit my limit I want the assist. I want the goal to be to slowly improve how far up I can get on my own.
But it’s gonna half to be baby steps.
I also bought an ebike. They are incredible for days you aren’t feeling well or need to grab extra groceries. Good luck with your conversion project! I bet you’ll love it
I have a grocery store juuuuust at the ~15 minute walk range of my home. It’s also up a giant hill. Nowhere near as bad, but bad enough for me to say “fuck it, I don’t have the energy to walk or bike”, and I take my car up for a few small things when I absolutely could have just walked.
So I’m hoping to reduce that as well, and take the bike for small trips like that.
I’m going with a 48V 13Ah battery and a 500W motor, and it’s a mid drive. So I should definitely be in a good spot if yours is doing well for you.
And my battery is removable, so I’ll be able to charge it at my desk which will be nice.
Looks fairly similar. That gives me hope that the conversion will do what I want.
Out of curiosity, what type of motor/battery are you using?
Yeah, hence why I’m trying to convert my bike into an ebike. I’ve never tried biking up it. I know I could walk it easily, but it’d probably double the time it takes.
At a minimum, the conversion should make the hill manageable even if it doesn’t make it easy.
That, and keeping up with my friends on trails will be nice.
The shit show to get to work for me in a major U.S. city, living ass deep in the city limits:
Trying to switch to an ebike where I can, just ordered the parts. Hopefully it will make this massive ass hill a little easier.
Yes and no. The main version is forked from ubuntu, but there is also LMDE which is debian based.
A good way to keep this easy for yourself is to keep the files you actually care about like pictures, game saves, documents, etc all on a separate partition. It makes it very easy to make a backup for distro hopping.
You can nuke your OS as many times as you like, and everything will be exactly in the same place.
Pretty neat, but probably not something I’d buy
I lose something. I lose a bit of my soul every time a job tries to make us take it or some other horoscope bullshit equivalent.
We could instead be out of billionaires in two months.
My understanding (and it could be incorrect) is that this is more of a definitional/philosophical thing.
Though you are more than welcome to read directly from the source Judith Butler who (to my understanding) first started this theory on gender:
Stealing the answer because I’m nowhere near as articulate on this matter:
The basic (and simplified) idea is that gender–what we think of as masculine and/or feminine–is performed in the ways we act, speak, dress, move, etc. and doesn’t really exist outside of that performance. We learn how to perform this way from dominant culture and conventions–what someone might (incorrectly) call “normal male” or “normal female” behavior. But these “normal” qualities (and genders themselves) don’t actually exist–rather, we are all repeatedly mimicking them and are rewarded for doing so (or punished for not doing so). We merely impersonate the qualities we’ve been taught match the gender we’ve been told we possess (like females being demure or males being aggressive) until those impersonations (and gender itself) become belief and seen as something natural and assumed.
Where exactly in the single cell is the soul stored?