I will be sad when my S10 dies, purely for finding a headphone jack. It might sound dumb, but I only see drawbacks to bluetooth audio, as it’s not solving any problem I had to begin with. :)
I will be sad when my S10 dies, purely for finding a headphone jack. It might sound dumb, but I only see drawbacks to bluetooth audio, as it’s not solving any problem I had to begin with. :)
I had absolutely unplanned that pun, but I’m thrilled it’s there!😅 Thank you!
Yay! Glad you’re enjoying it so far :)
I can also say the past month or two rocking Mint have been a breath of fresh air, everything feels fast and I’ve only had one GOG game not run (think I could with some effort) :)
Even the Unity game engine works, and debugs, it’s lightyears ahead of my previous goes at Mint over the years (and they only “ended” because of needing music software for college and uni!)
Hope it continues to treat you well! Also you may wish to indulge in the greatest Linux feature I know, which is Wobbly Windows - it makes your windows wobbly when dragged, which is very enjoyable for reasons I am not sure of! :)
I found it mildly funny reading this, I’ve not been using vanilla windows 10 for quite a while, but have resorted to sticking plasters to get the same effects as mint (start10, fences, and powertoys). It’s very true, out the box all that’s baked into mint, and with the privacy etc.
I heartily miss Mint/Xubuntu, but am cursed with my interests being in game development and audio. :) one of these years…
Thank you! I had a look, as I thought they were discontinued in the UK, and it looks like I can get one sim-only from a few places. :) Awesome, that’ll do nicely when the time comes, thank you again!