Don’t worry. It’s all a joke like Project 2025 /s
I’m sure all those people who told us “that couldn’t happen” will be along to explain how.
…Aaaany second now.
Dude’s already 78, his life term is gonna expire
Hopefully before his 2nd term does
But if not, he’s not letting the presidency go.
I’ve just got a feeling he’ll die 6 months before the end of his term.
There’s hope it’ll be sooner but I’ve just got a feeling it’s going to be 6 months before his term is over.
Funny how term limits were wall street’s answer to prevent another FDR from being re elected over and over again due to popularity among working class voters. But since their business plot/ wall street putsch succeeded now they want to go back to unlimited terms because both parties are controlled by the wall street billionaire military and prison industry profiteers so they have nothing to lose. Now our elections are fraudulent and democracy is an illusion. We are cooked in the chat and irl guys.
Checks notes on how it went for Caesar…
And beyond?
Like, a Mecha-Trump? Please no, it was difficult enough to defeat Mecha-Hitler in Wolfenstein, much less a Trump variant.
You could cheese Mecha-Hitler by luring him into a side room that had near-infinite health packs.
With Mecha-Trump it’ll be a room full of vaccines or something.
Vidisti Brutus?
Vidisti Elon Musk?
Unus et idem.
Don’t worry, no election is planned for nero
Now using the old seal, facing war This photo from World Economic Forum 2025
What are you talking about? The seal has always faced left.
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