I recently started playing cyberpunk, I downloaded it from dodi and now i’ve noticed in one month or so, cyberpunk will receive a major update so I will need to reinstall the game with the update. How can I keep my save?
The easiest way to figure out where a game is writing its saves is to load it up in Sandboxie and save your game, then check sandboxie’s box content to see what got updated or saved and where.
Also, Cyberpunk is on GOG (because it’s made by the people who run GOG), there’s no need to get it through DODI unless you have a severely restricted internet connection and therefore desperately need the smaller size of a repack - you can get the clean gog installer from gog-games. You should just be able to install the latest GOG version over the old version with no difficulty.
Well, the easiest way to find where the save files are located is to check out pcgamingwiki.
This actually worked, thank you. I’ve located the save files now. Now what, I copy it and (in case the reinstallation of the game deletes those files) just paste it?
Yes, backup save and config files, and restore them in case of the reinstallation, but generally games rarely delete them when you uninstall them. This approach works almost with every game.
Yes, I was planning to download the new version from gog games. But when I installed the game I didn’t think about gog games at all, when searching for games I often go directly to DODI.
Could you explain this Sandboxie method? I don’t understand, what do I have to upload?
Sandboxie is a sandboxing app. It’s main purpose is to isolate an app from your PC, mainly used to run suspicious apps. It can track what the isolated app does.
It’s rather complicated, so it’s easier to find the game here, or as what I do, use Everything and sort by recently modified files so I can check what files are just written.
I can also recommend Everything (1.5a) as it’s the only tool I know of where I can search not only for file names, but also for the contents of pdfs, docx, etc on every drive, including network drives.
You can also check out Process Monitor which is a freeware tool from Microsoft. So basically what you would do is: open process monitor, make a new game save and then process monitor will show you where this save file is located.
If you’re playing on Windows, the saves are under your user profile so you shouldn’t need to do anything.
Creating a backup never hurts tho.
This is only true sometimes. Some crackers will change the save location for some games, and the location where the save will be stored is entirely dependant on how the cracker has removed or emulated the DRM. I’ve also had the pleasure of the crack-save not being compatible with the genuine-save, meaning I couldn’t transfer my savedata after purchasing a game. Though I don’t know how frequent that is.
I don’t know how it works for this particular Cyberpunk crack.
I don’t know how it works for this particular Cyberpunk crack.
Why would there need to be a crack in the first place? Cyberpunk is released DRM-free, isn’t it?
Yes and no. If you get the DRM-free GOG release directly, you would not have this problem. Since this person stated they used the DODI repack, they’re now dependant on which release DODI used for his repack, since it may well be a Steam or Epic Games release.
I quickly looked it up, and the repack is based on the InsaneRamZes release, which in turn is based on either GOG or EGS, depending on which forum post you go by. So I’m not 100 % sure what’s actually being used here. According to the PCGamingWiki, there’s no difference in save location between the different stores, so best case scenario, OP can simply update the game to V2 and everything should be picked up.
Besides what the other commenter said you can probably download just the update from dodi and update your current install