You gotta give birth through what you just got
Yeen girls are hot af
I, too, watched that “anime”.
Nine-Inch Pseudopenis (Futa Clitoruleis)
For anyone interested, let me add that hyenas give birth through their pseudo-penis. Have fun in the hyena rabbit hole, there is lots to be discovered!
Wait what?!
If that helps, it’s actually a really long clitoris which is used to urinate, copulate and well… give birth. The first-born cubs are usually stillborn as the pseudo-penis needs to rip open, which does take some extra time the first time around. There’s also a solid chance the mother dies in the process.
That does not help. How in the name of Darwin did this happen?
That’s the fun part, we don’t know actually! There are some theories though. Among others:
Could be for females to better select their mates since you simply cannot fuck without their consent. On that note, do you know about duck genitals?
Others think it could be camouflage since females, especially cubs, get attacked more often. Did I mention that females also have a fake scrotum?
There’s also the idea that the penis is for social purposes. Females can get an erection and inspecting as well as licking each others erections is a normal greeting in hyena land! Presenting your erection is a submissive thing though.
If you dive deep enough into the rabbit hole, you could be the first to discover the truth!
Echidnas have weird dicks, as well. Spiny, and 4-headed. The heads function two at a time, and alternate - though I’m not sure the frequency. Didn’t read that far cause there was a picture and I was like “holy shit.”
Holy shit. Nature is really metal
What evolutionary benefit do these pseudopenises have?
If you want to know some theories about their purpose, I’ve written a few in respone to another comment!
I see this as an absolute win!