• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: January 3rd, 2024


  • I agree Valve should do all of this, but realistically I think only the controller (and the price) really makes or breaks the Steam Machine. It needs to be just good enough, and it needs to be available.

    I want four good controllers to play some couch co-op out of my SteamDeck Library, so I need to not hear that there’s a waiting list for controllers.

    I don’t necessarily need a whole new era of advanced gaming, and I suspect putting crazy nice hardware inside would be a mistake (if it drives the price sky high). Valve can afford to let PlayStation continue to own the high end graphics market, and let Xbox continue to rule over the game of the month club.

    Valve just needs to support my never quite getting around to playing all of my impulse-buy indie games, on my TV set and surround sound speakers.

    And yeah, if they release a beefier model in about 3 years, I’ll probably upgrade.

  • Yeah. I’ve been trying to get the word out.

    I’ve been screwing with Linux for decades, but somewhere along the line, Linux got easier and more reliable than Windows. I was as surprised as anyone. My last couple Linux installs were a cake walk.

    I also like Linux more than Mac, but I’m a tinkerer at heart, and Mac’s (relative) lack of fiddly bits (customization options) has kept me from staying on it long.

  • “… Don’t count XBox and PlayStation out”

    Article proceeds to list item after item of damning news for Xbox and PlayStation. Lol.

    • 80% of developers target PC vs much smaller numbers targeting anything else
    • SteamDeck puts up substantial numbers, when left off the survey, as a write-in comment option

    If Valve re-releases a “Steam Machine” console, Microsoft and Sony can look forward to their next console sitting next to the Atari Jaguar and Nintendo Virtual Boy on museum shelves.

    Edit: What Sony could do is release PlayStation hardware that runs Linux and Steam. I would pay a premium for their hardware (including their best in class controllers) running software I already trust.

  • Yeah. It honestly blew me away. I switched my personal laptop to Linux, as one often does, primarily to revive some old hardware.

    I thought I was giving up streaming from it, but it’s been great.

    I tend to run my TVs on non-stadard media devices due to privacy bullshit by vendors, and previously that has meant a lot of Android variant devices.

    Looking forward, I’m really looking forward to running my living room TV off of a modified SteamDeck or a Linux media server build that is as close as I can get to one, thanks to the surprisingly good media experience of Firefox on Linux, lately.

  • The ability to stream media from legit paid sources. (Netflix, Comcast, max, disneyplus, prime, I don’t know where the list is currently, but anything that bitches about user agent.)

    Agreed, that’s critical. That said, I periodically subscribe to all of those, and all of the ones I’ve tried in the last year on Firefox on Debian, have worked perfectly. If there’s any left that still don’t, I haven’t tried/encountered them.