Any pronouns. 33.

Professional developer and amateur gardener located near Atlanta, GA in the USA.

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  • 8 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • I think some people just feel less shame about it. I was raised in the purity culture of the Bible belt so probably won’t ever get past it entirely. We have some art on our walls at home and I think maybe a couple are sort of erotic or erotic leaning. No nudity though. There’s also the aspect of not wanting to have to explain that to parents when they visit.

    My phone background is marginally erotic but subtle. It’s a picture of my wife’s legs in fishnets, but it’s in a blue light and pretty close up, so it just looks like some sort of geometric pattern unless you stare.

    For me, I don’t mind seeing that stuff, but I don’t want to subject others to it. Even in my office I’d have to consider what could be seen from my laptop camera during meetings and guests spending the night there.

  • Why is the onus on only one person to both act and intuit criticism from said acting, when the gal never actually says she’s told the guy he is doing anything wrong?

    Never said OOP didn’t hold some of the blame for not communicating. It’s a two way street though. You seem to be under the impression this is 100% her fault. I don’t disagree she should be talking to her partner instead of asking online, but to think the guy hasn’t done anything wrong by not asking how their new bedroom activity went is wrong as well. Both of their ideas of roleplay are correct, but it’s not about who’s right and wrong, it’s about working together to make the experience enjoyable. I haven’t seen evidence either party has done that.

  • She needs to at bare minimum describe in more detail what she wants if she wants something different

    Exactly what I said. No need to add the layer of misogyny.

    instead of doing the roleplay equivalent or starfishing and then complaining about it.

    She said she plays along and tries to get him to let her go for sexual favors, did you ignore that part?

    Seems like the guy has communicated (via acting out the roleplay)

    “Hey honey, how did you like the new stuff you asked me to do?” Simple as that.